Crystal Properties



appearance | waxy, usually with light bands or small crystals inside. come in multiple earthy colors. 

properties | grounding, balance yin/yang energy. Great protection pieces. brings balance and harmony within and also promotes strength, courage and longevity. aids in developing self-acceptance, it helps us understand and ground our emotions. Different colors have additional properties. 

white agate represents purity and clarity, promotes inner peace and self-confidence. it connects to the crown chakra which enhances spiritual connection and connecting to higher consciousness 

chakra | all


appearance | deep, opaque purple to transparent violet, forming a natural point

properties | Stone of spirituality, bringing higher awareness, sleep support, enhances meditation, alleviates depression & anxiety and promotes spiritual wisdom. Has been said to help with overcoming addition and dependency. 

chakra | crown & 3rd eye



appearance | long & striated

properties | great for grounding and protection, absorbs negative energy 

chakra | root



appearance | clear golden and lemon yellow colored crystal forming a natural point. 

properties | the joyful stone. stone of positivity, light and inspiration. Aids in motivation. Encourages healing, cleansing, self-esteem, creativity,  inner strength and prosperity & abundance. 

chakra | crown, solar plexus, sacral



appearance | Metallic in a golden hue, shaped with small square formations. 

properties | Known as 'Fools Gold, a stone of power with fire energy. Pyrite brings abundance, strength, willpower, success and self-confidence. It also attracts wealth. 

chakra | solar plexus and sacral 



appearance | clear/transparent

properties | Known as the Master Healer/Universal Crystal.  Most powerful healing stone. Quartz cleanses spaces & amplifies energy. very versatile and high-vibrational. Brings light, healing, cleansing, clarity, vision, and protection from pollution. Amplifies other energies. Great aid for manifesting and spiritual growth. Quartz can be programed with your own intentions or for a specific purpose.

chakra | all, but especially higher crown, crown & 3rd eye



appearance | pale pink, opaque or with slight translucency

properties | stone of love. Comforting, nurturing, healing, soothing. Nurtures and loves; a very maternal energy. Absorbs emotional pain and grief; giving back self-love, acceptance, helping with emotioal release in a soft, gentle way. 

chakra | heart



appearance | glossy white & flaky with striations. Find in long stick, tumbled stone and pillars

properties | high-vibration stone, aids in alignment and peace. great meditation aid. great for cleansing space and self due to its purity and high-vibrational energy. cleanses other crystals and provides protective energy. 

chakra | 3rd eye & throat



'holy wood' - one of the world's most fragrant woods from the Palo Santo trees in South America. Very sacred, use with care and respect. 



'the purifier' - clears negative energy to restore balance to yourself or your space. Very sacred, use with care and respect. 


Inner peace, balance, protection. New beginnings. Inner growth and strength. Moon energy. 


Hope Stone. Gentle energy. Truth & hope. 


Protective. Increases love and nurturing. Good luck and friendship.